GEO-Farming Package (Neighborhood Specific)

From: $9.95 / month

GEOFarm-original The CDL E-Marketing Listing & Sales GEO Farming Program …
… was designed for real estate professionals to be able to cost effectively farm and create a ‘Predictable Base Income‘ by choosing to specialize in one demographic or geographic area (EDDM or Zip Code +4) where you unlock the potential to become an authority in that real estate market and subsequently, a sought-after commodity in and of yourself. It is achieved through consistency, efficiency, expertise and the right tools

How much does it cost?

Starting at $9.95 month for 250 homes (requires one-time $100 non-refundable setup fee)
Add an additional $9.95 for each 250 homes (example $39.80 mo for 1,000 homes).

How to Choose the Right Real Estate Farm Area.

If you’re just getting started, then farming your own neighborhood is probably your best course of action. There are so many benefits of GEO farming in your own neighborhood – you’re already a local expert! Also, it is important to pick an area that has a turnover rate of at least 6% or greater. Finally,once you’ve determined the area has enough sales activity to sustain you, the next step is to figure out what your competition looks like. Be sure to take particular note of the top closing agents for the past few years. If you see that one agent already dominates the area, getting a piece of the pie might be an uphill battle. Chances are that agent has been working the area for years and is very well established.

Already have farm area, great! Just upload the farm including the name and complete address to in a (.csv) excell spreadsheet and/or we will accept APN numbers for the same (Your local title company can help you).

Why it Works – we did the research!

Yes, we did the research and the results where amazing!

CDLData asked 758 random homeowners in Southern California who closed escrow on their property in 2017 one basic question … “how did you pick your real estate agent”? An overwhelming 87.3% said by ‘PAST CUSTOMER REVIEWS‘. In addition, most homeowners stated that after family, the single most important decision in their life was selling their home for top dollar, in the shortest period of time and least inconvenience to their them. Homeowners overwhelmingly stated that the past customer reviews played a significant role in their decision process in picking their agent.

How to Build a Predictable Base Income by Branding your Name and Building Authority in Your Real Estate Farm Area?

Real estate farming equates your marketing efforts to sowing seeds on a farm. So instead of throwing seed we are going to boost your brand reputation and trustworthiness with your customer reviews, neighborhood comparables and a monthly real estate newsletter.

Remember that great movie with Kevin Costner, Field of Dreams? Like in the movie, “Build It And They Will Come”. Build your Farm, Establish your Agent Reviews, and the Listings and Sales Will Come! You can count on it!

Finally, CDLData will use the latest optimization techniques to boost your brand to be searchable by all three of the major SEO search engines: Google, Yahoo and Bing.

How it works?

We email, twice (2) per month, to every homeowners in your farm either :
1. Past Customer Review
2. Comparable Sales in farm
3. Monthly real estate newsletter

As an ISP (Internet Service Provider) we guarantee delivery into the homeowners inbox 100% of the time with real-time reporting or your money back.


This will also add the following products to your cart:

  • Startup Fee - GeoFarming

SKU: N/A Category:

Additional information


0 to 250 homes for $9.95, 251 to 500 homes for $19.90, 501 to 750 homes for $29.85, 751 to 1000 homes for $39.80